Monday, January 23, 2012

My wife, the barometer

Tara had a fairly placid weekend, which was a nice break from the excitement of Thursday and Friday. That is it was placid until the storm front rolled through last night around 6pm. Then her barometer went off and she started contracting. Barometric changes are a powerful thing, especially on a uterus that is walking a fine line already.

Long story short she contracted at various intervals from 2 minutes to 9 minutes apart throughout the night...all night long. The poor girl got a little sleep thanks to ambien and additional procardia, but even then she was on the monitors and contracting. Needless to say she is tired and sore today. It has gotten to the point that Tara doesn't even request to get put on the contraction monitors unless she thinks that they are less than 3 minutes apart.

35 weeks!
We got to have another ultrasound today. It was great to get to see little Emmaline. Everything was good. We confirmed for the third time via ultrasound that she is indeed a girl. She measured 5 lbs 13oz. Of course they say that measurement is plus or minus 15 oz. So they are hedging their measurement by 16%. How would you like to have a 16% margin of error in your line of work. I can see it now. Sorry Elder Board, I know our budget was $923,000 but our expenses were $1,070,000 which is within the 16% allotted margin of error. So everything is cool right? What is $147,000 amongst friends?

Anyhow, I digress. We are getting pretty excited about meeting Emmaline soon. The question on our minds is will her hair be blonde or dark? What do you think?

My wife is still taking great care of our little girl and hanging in there. I am so thankful that I'm married to the most amazing woman that I know. Thanks for the prayers and support. Today marked 35 weeks and 1 day for Emmaline and day 21 of the hospital stay.
Today's jailbreak


barri said...

You are amazing, Tara! Think about you everyday and pray Emmaline hangs on a little longer! 35 weeks!! Yay!!

Chris said...

Thanks Barri!

kittyosmon said...

Tara, your steadfastness and diligence is paying off! Keep cooking!!!