Monday, June 21, 2010

Six Months Old--fun, fun, fun

Crosby is now a half a year old! Where did the last 6 months go? I am loving this age with his budding personality, and he is not crawling around, tearing the house apart yet. Crosby is creeping on his belly. He pushes himself backwards and gets so frustrated when he leaves his toys behind. He is now even doing push ups where he lifts himself up on his hands and toes, usually in frustration. Forward motion will be so exciting. :)

We are getting settled in our new home, and Crosby is enjoying having a nursery again and sleeping in a real crib--he slept in his pack and play for 3 months during our transition. I started him on cereal when he turned 6 months, and I wish I could say that he loves it...but he doesn't. I'm just trying to be patient and persistent with feeding him cereal once a day. We started on rice cereal and have switched to baby oatmeal, and now I'm warming it. He just purses his lips together when he sees the spoon coming, unless we can get him to smile and slip the spoon in his mouth when he's not looking. :) Here is a picture from the first day that we fed him rice cereal. The looks on his face when he eats are hilarious.

Crosby may not like cereal YET, but he LOVES swimming. Here are a couple of pictures from the first time we took him to our friends' pool a couple of weeks ago. He and Chris were so cute in their matching sunglasses. Crosby loves being outside, but with the temps in the upper 90's the past few weeks, we have had to stay indoors a lot--not fun when he gets fussy. We take Crosby for a walk every evening before bed, and he loves to lay back and "chillax" in his stroller.


Allyson Petty said...

Tara-he is beautiful. He looks just like you. Parker HATED cereal when we first started. I held off a few days and then it was like all of a sudden he liked it! He didn't like the spoon in his mouth. I know exactly what you mean about the's miserable...and I dread anytime I have to get Parker in and out of his carseat in it! Soooo good seeing you last week.

Marion said...

Lolly & Pops really enjoy these blog posts. This one is really cute. Pops is impressed with his full body pushup and the cool shades. Of course I love the first smiling photo that I had my hands on him. He seems to like his shaded float with his Mama too.

Lauren said...

What a little cutie! If it's not against your feeding philosophy, mix his cereal with some apple sauce instead of milk. Some babies like a thicker texture and a little flavor--who can blame them? =)

Debbie said...

What great pictures! I'm enjoying your blog so very much. Sarah Helen hated cereal also, but I would dip up a little cereal in the spoon, then dip the spoon tip into applesauce and she ate it. It sounds like "cheating" but hey - whatever it takes!!!!!