Friday, June 4, 2010


I have an issue with Crosby. ;) He has caused me to waste some precious time this morning searching for some of my old (high school days) CDs. Mainly my old favorite Cowboy Mouth from south Louisiana. You see Cowboy Mouth has a song titled Laughable. I could not help but hear that song in my head as I watched this video that Tara shot of Crosby laughing as he played with Dozzie the other day. The title of the song is about the extent of the connection between this video and the Cowboy Mouth song about dealing with the loss of a lover.

None-the-less now I'm craving a shrimp po-boy from Check-in Check-out and Cowboy Mouth.

Thanks for granting me a diatribe, now enjoy this video with pure joy coming from the mouth of my son. In case you didn't figure it out... I got over my 'issue' with Squirt in about 2 seconds.


Lindsay said...

Just precious, Tara. Miss you guys but aren't blogs and FB a great way to keep in touch.

Lauren said...

I know that song well - and now you have me craving a shrimp po-boy! We miss you guys! When are we getting Crosby and Evie together?!