Saturday, November 21, 2009

Camp Crosby...Saturday Morning

We made it to Saturday and Tara woke up again without Crosby in the bed with her.

After being hooked Tara up to the monitors for a little while last night Tara began having contractions. The contractions got to less than 2 minutes apart at one point before they got an IV and some additional meds in Tara to slow them down. There were even a few minutes when we thought that the contractions might not stop and wondered if Crosby's persistence was stronger than the meds...but it wasn't. The contractions slowed but hung around in some form or fashion for the most of the night. They checked Tara and she was not progressing, which was good. She wasn't able to get as much sleep as we would have liked but she is doing well this morning. She made it another 12 hours, which will be 36 hours less that Crosby would have to be in the NICU if he does need to go there.

Tara is doing great and quite the trooper. Her comment to me this morning was that if she was contracting without progressing then she didn't mind the discomfort as long as peanut was staying put. My wife is already a fabulous mother.

We've been here in Antenatal Unit at BMC LR for several days now and I've learned a few things. Allow me to share them with you, some are more serious some are less:
  • A smile, a kind greeting, and a word of appreciation go a long way with people. The meal service lady told us this morning what an impression it made on her the first morning. I imagine that a lot of people don't get too excited about hospital food day in and day out. It is now my goal to let everyone here know that what they are doing is appreciated and that they are valuable. It reminded me of the truth from Duvall's sermon last week about how our embrace of our humanity, of human's baring the image of God, should drive our humility and our compassion.

  • There is a stash of over 80 DVD's in the supply closet right next to our room.

  • There is a free washer and dryer on the third floor.

  • McBrides Deli at the base of Medical Towers II makes wonderful food.

  • We are unbelievably blessed and God is taking care of us.
We appreciate the prayers and support. Our prayer for now is to make it until Tuesday and that Tara might be more comfortable today.


Lindsay said...

Love this post, Chris. Continuing to remember you, Tara and Crosby.

Anonymous said...

Neil and I are praying and want you to know that we wish that we could be there. We will be in Little Rock next weekend and hope that we can see you guys then. Hopefully Tara and Crosby can hold on as possible! Please tell Tara that it is unbelievable how beautiful she looks. She doesnt even look pregnant when the sheets are covering her belly. Chris, you have one gorgeous wife! That baby boy of yours is going to be a looker! Love you guys! Lauren and Neil

Cristina King said...

Tara and Chris-
Of course I stumbled upon your blog on Facebook and just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking and praying for yall!! And Chris you are right!! McBrides IS worth the trek over to Med Towers II (that's where I work).. so if you all need anything just let me know.. i'm in and out of there everyday!

Allyson Petty said...

Hang in there guys! The Pettys are praying for ya'll!!! Tara, as crazy as it may sound, enjoy the rest. I know contractions aren't your idea of rest, but take advantage of having help there as long as you can. My specific prayer is that Crosby will stay in as long as possible so he'll be healthy and ready for the world.

Amber said...

Gosh...Tara is just glowing and gorgeous...

Keeping all 3 of you guys in our prayers. Praying that Crosby keeps baking and that Tara keeps on keeping on.